The success of an organization is related to beliefs, a vision, a plan to get there, commitment and persistence.
In respect of the environment, VDL ETG Projects operates a sustainability policy. The implementation of energy saving and waste prevention plans and the recycling of raw materials are areas of constant attention. As part of a family-owned company, VDL ETG Projects has traditionally been closely involved in its living and working environment. Making a contribution to the sustainable development of society is self-evident.
VDL ETG Projects views corporate social responsibility as an integral part of its overall business policy. This means that CSR aspects are taken into account in the decision-making process for organisational, process-related and technical matters. In our view of Corporate Social Responsibility, we distinguish three subareas: employees, products & production processes and society.
Enable a sustainable living environment
Although the contribution by VDL ETG Projects to a wide variety of products remains concealed to a casual observer, due to our subcontracting activities, we still produce machines and products that make a fundamental contribution to a better living environment. We enable a more sustainable living environment by for example supplying products related to;
- Energy transitions
- Healthcare
- Science
- Waste transitions
We elaborate our existing designs to increase and improve methods of making these machines and products. Through smart design and advanced production methods, we deliver added value to our customers, and create employment opportunities for the manufacturing industry. Other examples of sustainable products (co)developed and manufactured by VDL ETG Projects include the production of solar panels, parts for an e-bike, a production line for producing sustainable building materials from plant waste and a machine for converting waste into biogas.
Circular economy
In a circular economy waste streams are connected to one another in a kind of loop, as is the case in nature. A circular system is designed to re-use products and materials as far as possible and to keep the destruction of value to a minimum. That is a completely different approach to the linear system, where raw materials are transformed into products that are destroyed at the end of their service life.
A circular economy offers opportunities for entrepreneurs; more chain co-operation, innovation, less consumption of raw materials and less waste. We can only take advantage of these opportunities if we all; companies governments and consumers pursue a circular economy. Bear in mind, that industry is increasingly controlled by the consumer. Companies must not adopt the arrogant approach that we can impose products and services on the consumer. The consumer is becoming more aware of sustainability and the circular economy. We are at the service of that consumer. Close co-operation between all parties is an important condition for the circular economy to succeed. Co-operation is the energy of the circular economy. That fits in really well with the DNA of VDL ETG Projects.
Check out a number of sustainability projects enabled by VDL, touch the banner at the top.